Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Gelb Family Christmas

We spent Christmas in Hope at Sancho's parent's place. There was a little bit of snow here and there, and we managed to get a picture of the kids in it.

At Oma and Opa's church, 'O' got to be Joseph with his cousin being Mary. I think 'O' will be a good actor. He was told to look tired when walking up the aisle with Mary and donkey, and he was very convincing (not so much in this picture, but on the day, he acted the part).

'A' was an angel (notice the subtle halo in her hair), and was sporting her Christmas dress from Aunty Marina.

We went to public skate during the holidays. Sancho and Tey also took 'O' and the oldest 'N' cousin 4x4ing in the mountains, and managed to get stuck, of course. The kids loved this. Sancho and I had to go back to Abbotsford for the morning of Christmas Eve and the kids went swimming then, which I was sad to miss.

The Nativity Story on Christmas Eve.

Carol singing on Christmas Eve.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Christmas after the Move

We moved at the beginning of December back into our house in Langley. I was hoping to get everything unpacked that month, but honestly, in December? I ended up making Christmas decorating more of a priority than unpacking. 

Christmas at Home

We had a 'home family Christmas' with our 'adopted' family member, Marina. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012